24 hour claims line (Road Traffic Accident, Fire, Theft, Vandalism) - 01277 596099
24 hour claims line (Windscreen) - 01277 716704
For motor accidents, fire or theft
To report a new claim, please call our claims report line* on:
01277 596 099
In the event of an accident...
Keep calm - do not admit liability
Call 999 if emergency services are needed
Exchange names, addresses and insurance details
Note everything you can - all witnesses, vehicles, locations, damage and accident circumstances
Be sure to note the make, model, colour and registration number of every vehicle involved
Draw a sketch of the scene and take photos if possible
Remember to look out for other traffic around the accident, particularly on busy highways
Report the accident on 01277 596099
Windscreen/Glass Claims
Greenlight Windscreen assistance*
01277 716 704
Alternatively, the windscreen claimsline specific to your Insurer is listed within your policy booklet. We have listed the contact numbers for each Insurer below to assist:
Ageas - 0800 174 764
Allianz/Highway - 0330 678 5590
ERS - 0330 123 5992
KGM - 0333 555 5909
Markerstudy - 0808 178 8126
* Our windscreen assistance claims reporting line is provided by Auto Windscreens
*Our claims report line is provided by Winn Solicitors