Greenlight Sorn Insurance
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If your vehicle is stored off the road and you’ve declared it SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification), standard road insurance isn’t required. However, without an active policy, your pride and joy is at risk from theft, fire, and accidental damage. Our specialist SORN cover ensures peace of mind while your car is in storage.
We offer specialist laid up car insurance with fire/theft and accidental damage cover for motorists who have declared their car SORN (Statutory Off Road Notice). Our cover is designed specifically for enthusiasts who need cover while their vehicle is declared off-road with the DVLA.
Many insurers will only cover you while your vehicle has an MOT and tax, but Greenlight can arrange a specialist policy even if you don’t have them and the vehicle has been issued with a SORN.
Cover can be arranged for Standard, Modified or Performance Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Camper Vans or Classic Cars. Even Track or Competition Cars.
You must make a SORN if:
Your vehicle is off the road and not taxed
You can’t insure your car for a period due to a delay in renewing a policy, you can’t afford it temporarily, or you need to arrange an MOT
You own a vehicle you’re not planning to drive or a project vehicle
You buy or receive a vehicle and want to keep it off the road (you cannot transfer a SORN from the previous keeper)